Sunday, February 12, 2012

Crystal Hot Springs Campout January 27-28, 2012

Derek with his awesome Russian dead animal hat. Parker and Bryson wondering "Are we there  yet???"

The Crystal Hot Springs

The Water Slides!

This is what happens when you leave your wet towel outside all night. Frozen solid and holding it's own shape! :-)

Derek Sleeping in the  7 man Hilton by himself

This is what happens to your gear bag when you leave it out all night.

Parker in the sunset as we load up at the scout shed to leave for Crystal Hot Springs

Saturday, July 30, 2011

2011 Zion National Park Summer Camp

Double Rainbow at Zion National Park
Parker playing in the river
Getting ripped off in the rapids
Having fun in the 60 degree water
Wading is nice on the feet after a long hike
Weeping Rock
On the way to Angel's Landing
More of Walter's Wiggles
Parker on Walter's Wiggles
A view from the top of Angel's Landing
Ready to have some fun in the narrows
Sitting in the throne
Beginning the trek up the river
Nice spot to rest and relax
Perfect weather condtions
Swimming in the Narrows
Enjoying the cool water in the hot sun
Hiding out in the overhang
Great look at the giant walls in the narrows
Emerald water
Proof that you have worn the scouts out :-)
Some amazing scenery in PineCreek Canyon
Ready to rappel!
Did I get enough sunscreen on my face???

Walter's Wiggles on the Angel's Landing Trail
Dinner at Blondies
Swimming in the Zion Narrows

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Preparing for Zion

Parker receiving instructions on rappelling at Storm Mountain
Parker on the bottom half of the 75 Storm Mtn. Rappel Big Cottonwood Canyon
Parker at the bottom of Storm Moutnain
Derek in the birth canal
Parker "Hanging out" :-)
Practicing by the "B" with the rappelling equipment
Drew giving it a go
The more the merrier
Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!
Having fun now
Braden showing us how it's done
Nate having a REALLY fun time in scouts
Al rocking the flip flops and still dropping Pete's Rock