Sunday, July 17, 2011

Zion National Park Summer Camp


Thursday July 28th:

5:30 a.m.       Leave Bountiful (Scouts in full uniform can sleep on the way down)
                     PARENTS, DO NOT FORGET PLEASE!!!
                     For those that went to Camp Steiner last year we have
                     your medical forms.
                     Snacks and juces on the way down.

11:00 a.m.     Arrive at South Gate Zion Nation Park
                     Lunch at Campground. Set Tents at Campsite.

12:30 p.m.    Pick up Limited Use Permits at Visitor's Center.
                    Head out to make vehicle drops and descent Slot Canyon
                    ~ Pine Creek  (Rated 3b II Technical Canyon)

6:30 p.m.     Retrun to Campground

7:30 p.m.     Dinner, Evaluate day's activities, Review next day's activities
                    Free Time.

Friday July 29th:

7:00 a.m.       Breakfast - Pack lunches, fill canteens/camelbacks

7:30 a.m.       Leave for vehicle drop and descend Mystery Canyon
                     Includes 1/4 mile of the World Famous Zion Narros rated as the
                     5th Greatest Adventure in the U.S. by National Geographic.

7:30 p.m.      Dinner, Evaluate day's activities, Review next day's activities
                     Free Time.

Saturday July 30th:

7:00 a.m.       Breakfast - Pack lunches, fill canteens/camelbacks

7:30 a.m.       Tour of park: Hike Angel's Landing, Emerald Pools Walks,
                      Weeping Rock, Grotto, etc.

3:00 p.m.        Leave for Home

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